good explanation and solution, for jboss server start up and access deinied exception


Adventures with JBoss
Fri, 09/25/2009 – 16:43 — brian

I’ve spent a couple days this week venturing further into the Java world after a long absence. My goal this week was to install and learn how to use JBoss. It was a bear at times, but I feel like I am on my way to understanding it. There were two big issues that caused me fits, and I wanted to share, as the answer did not seem readily available on Google.

The first big issue was that I could start JBoss perfectly fine, but whenever I tried to stop and restart it, it would not work. Peering through the log files, I came across the following
2009-09-24 12:57:23,653 ERROR [org.jboss.kernel.plugins.dependency.AbstractKernelController] (main) Error installing to Start: name=jboss:service=NamingProviderURLWriter state=Create mode=Manual requiredState=Installed Access is denied
It seemed that a file was being locked for some reason, and that file was obviously necessary for JBoss to start. Some further investigation (ok, I admit, I just tried to delete all of JBoss with the faith that it would fail on the locked file), it turns out that file was some file called jnp-service.url in the data directory of the default server. After downloading and installing the handy Unlocker tool (, it turns out that cidaemon.exe (aka the Windows Indexing Service) was locking the file for some reason. Turning off the Indexing Service solved that problem.

The second issue came when I attempted to deploy my WAR file with my JAX-WS service into my new JBoss server. Again, I could not get it to deploy, and a review of the log files showed
“vfsfile:/C:/dev/Workspaces/BeliefNet/.metadata/.plugins/” is in error due to the following reason(s): java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -1
A strange and cryptic error indeed. As you can see, I was using the JBoss tools integration with Eclipse, so I tried just exporting the WAR file and copying it manually to the JBoss deploy directory, but still no luck. With nightmares of “pouring through source code to see what JBoss is doing when it throws this exception” dancing in my head, luckily Google gave a bunch of pieces to the puzzle to what might be causing this. It turns out that JBoss requires all servlets and such to be inside a package. This was not the case when I was just deploying in Tomcat alone, but luckily this is among the easiest problems to fix.
Happy to say, after those issues were resolved, my sample JAX-WS application is up and running. Now I just have to unlock the puzzle of JAX-WS, JAXB, and how everything lives in harmony to create a viable SOA solution….

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